Emerald Community Fellowship
631 E. 19th Ave., Eugene, OR
Sunday Worship 10AM

Seeking the heart of God
in Eugene
What do you believe?
What anchors your hope?
What matters most?
Welcome to the conversation.
Welcome to Emerald Community Fellowship.
We certainly do not have all the answers but we wonder how the journey of faith unfolds individually.
Our Mission
As believers we are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ. We try to be outward focused. Some would call it a "missional" approach. Our interest is joining the activity of God in our world, involving ourselves with other churches and organizations, sharing the "Good News" of the love of God where people are. We are called to love God and love others.
Wednesday Bible Discussion
meets @ 1pm via Zoom
Our next opportunity to serve at
The Dining Room
270 W. 8th Avenue in Eugene
We are volunteering every 3rd Tuesday from 11:45-2pm
Sunday Morning worship at 10:00 AM.
Wednesday Bible Discussion Group, 1:00 PM (at Emerald)
Any additional information will be announced on our website.